Wedding shower hosts are always on the lookout for great centerpiece ideas. For a spring shower, nothing is cuter than eggshell candle centerpieces. They’re super cute and easy to create. Here’s what you’ll need:
- A Dozen Eggs
- Egg Coloring Kit or Food Coloring and Vinegar
- White Candle Wax
- Candle Wicks
You won’t want to waste the eggs, so plan something lovely for dinner or use them to create a yummy quiche for the shower.
Step 1:
Crack the eggs, trying to make sure they crack in half, or as close to half as you can manage. Rinse out the inside of the eggshells to remove all of the egg.

Go ahead and prepare your dyes. If you’re using vinegar and food coloring, simply pour a small amount (1/2 cup) of vinegar in a container and add several drops of coloring.
Step 2:
Dip your eggshells into the color until you get the shade you want on the eggshells.

Once you’ve achieved the perfect shade, place the shells on paper towels and allow them to dry completely.
Step 3:
Next, chop up your candle wax and melt it in a double boiler.

If you don’t have a double boiler, you can use a glass or metal bowl by placing it on top of a pot half-filled with boiling water. Melt the candle wax inside the bowl.
Step 4:
Place the wick inside the eggshell and use a small ladle to pour the melted candle wax into the shell. Since the shells will be shallow, use a bobby pin to keep the wick straight by slipping the wick into the bobby pin and then allowing the sides of the pin to rest on the sides of the eggshell.

Voila! You have beautiful eggshell candles that will work perfectly as a shower centerpiece! They’re fun and easy to create and will definitely make an impression.