Beach Wedding Checklist: 4 Things You Don’t Want to Forget While Getting Dressed

Getting dressed for your beach wedding will be a little different than getting dressed for an indoor wedding. There are a few things you’re going to want to make sure you remember. Don’t forget to include these 4 things and you’ll be ready to face the day.

Wedding Day Survival Kit
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Sunscreen – This seems like a no-brainer, but many brides assume that since the ceremony will not last long, they don’t really need sunscreen. Just an hour of sun can be damaging and for fair brides, could mean a painful honeymoon. Pack SPF 35 or stronger for your wedding day.

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Double Sided Tape – When you’re getting married on the beach, you’re going to deal with a lot of wind. Depending upon your dress, this could mean wardrobe malfunctions. Do the celebrity trick and pack double-sided tape to keep your clothing where it should be.

Double Sided Tape
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Makeup Powder – You definitely don’t want to get a case of the shines before your wedding pictures. Make sure you pack your powder to touch up those shiny spots before pics. It can be hotter outdoors, even if you’re enjoying a nice breeze, and this often leads to shiny noses and foreheads.

Clinique Makeup Powder
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Additional Hair Pins – Even if you’re already planning an updo for your beach wedding, you may want to bring additional bobby pins, just in case you get a strand or two of hair out of place. This way, you can fix it quickly and get back to the celebration.

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Remembering these 4 items is a must for your beach wedding, and can ensure that you look your absolute best for your big day.

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